01 The Problem with Growth Books

Let me tell you a story. It involves you overcoming wasted time.

I like to read. The types of books I read are about business, habits, thinking, beliefs, principles, leadership, growth, and mindset. Basically they are self-help books. I like them for two reasons. One, they give me a dopamine rush when they say I have solved a problem correctly. Two, after reading many books, I see patterns that I can bring to my life to become a better person and leader. Listen more is a great example of the second reason.

Thinking this all to myself in the shower I come to a startling conclusion. In order to see these patters I have to read several books, which takes me a lot of time. When finished the whole book or each main idea can fit into one sentence. In that case why should I read a long book? You may think to yourself one of two things. One, “you can’t put a book into a single sentence” in which I would reply, try it! The second more serious barrier is, “the book is long because it has to convince you of that thesis with logic and stories”. I agree with you on the second point. But then I think there must be a strategy that makes best of both worlds.

I think to myself as I exit the shower, the part that can be dropped is the logic, the story is enough. A short story is enough! A warm smile spreads across my face and I think to myself, the thesis can follow the story to really hammer the idea through. The smile is not caused by the thought but rather a new idea.

::Telling a relatable, short story followed by a thesis is a great way to communicate an idea quickly and effectively::